Friday, July 27, 2007

2nd post!!!


my 2nd post... must be TOUCHED to see my precious post!!! wahahaha!!!! jus finish do sdt assignment... let mi see now is 114am which mean it adt assignment is due few hours later.... haha.... oso finish assignment last min de.. i think i wont change... haha...

today kana influence by DeViL and got to like HEECHUL from SUPERJUNIOR becoz of the mv U... he did a action by throwin a poker card and i got hooked by him... wahahaha.. got time den post his pic... so cute!!!!

and SP Tunes will start in a few hours time... hope tat the event will be a success... good luck janet.... and hope tat nth will go wrong.. actually abit nervous lah coz janet wan mi ti count marks and i scared tat i will count wrong... haha... let pray!!!

tat the end.... bye bye....

Friday, June 8, 2007


Common Test is over!!

Hyun Bin!!
He is so...
Handsome or cute?
Both i think.

Teukie (LeeTeuk) from Super Junior.
He is cute!
At first I don't think he looks nice.
My friend likes him alot and always has his picture with him.
I keep seeing his pictures when with my friend.
After some time, I think that he looked cute. =D

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Naruto Movie 3

I waited for Naruto Movie 3 to be subbed and it is finally done!!
So happy.. =D
Now I can watch it!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Naruto - 225 [Shippuuden - Hurricane Chronicles - 05]

Gaara fought Deidara in this episode.
Little conversation in this episode.
Gaara is going to get caught by him in the next episode as he fell into Deidara's trap when Gaara tried to protect the villagers.
Poor and noble Gaara!!!!

Not going to post any pictures or screenshots because stupid blogger always give problems!!
It always say no connection and i cant post!!
I don't want to waste my time doing the pictures and uploading them but in the end, can't post.
I wanted to post about the previous episode last time and i typed a lot of words.
Blogger said NO CONNECTION and i CANT POST!!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Naruto Shippuuden aka Hurricane Chronicles

I don't know why but it seems like the anime Naruto had changed name to Naruto Shippuuden aka Hurricane Chronicles.
I am not sure if it has really changed name but it seems like it.
The name changed starting from episode 221.
Naruto came back to the leaf village.
He was told that Gaara had became Kazekage of his village, the Sand.

(Above) This is Gaara in his Kazekage clothes.
He is about 15 years old in this picture.
I think that he looks nicer when he was 12 years old.
He looks strange now.
I wonder why the drawer changed Gaara's appearance.

(Above) Gaara sitting in a meeting talking about Akatsuki.
He knew about the group since he overheard Naruto and Jiraiya's conversation in leaf hospital in episode 220.

Gaara in his office (or his room? I am not sure).
He was looking out the window and he found an enemy's trace.
A big white bird which does not exist in the Sand's desert was flying in the sky.
And clever Gaara saw it. =D

(Above) Gaara standing in front of one of the Akatsuki, Deidara. Deidara thought that he had landed in Sand without been detected but he never expects Gaara to have notice him. Gaara looked so handsome in the last picture!! XD

Next, Gaara will fight Deidara. Gaara could win him. He got distracted to protect his village and got defeated by Deidara. He was then taken away by Deidara to extract the One-Tailed Shukaku from him. This resulted in Gaara’s death. However, he was revived later by Chiyo, in exchange for her life. Epsiodes to rescue Gaara will be exciting!! Can’t wait to watch them!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

First Paper

Today had the first paper..
Damn it!
When I looked at the paper, I forget everything that I memorised!!
Its all about calculation.
But not those 1+1 de.
Its finding mean,median, mode, standard deviation, hypothesis testing etc. My maths de-proved!!
Last time can remember all the equations, formulas, steps without really memorising.
But why business statistics cannot?!
Haiz.. Maybe too long never touch on it le.
Tomorrow worse!
I don't understand a single thing!
How am I going to survive the exam?
This is the retribution for not paying attention in the lectures and tutorials.
I am always building castles in the air, drawing or doing some other thing..
Next semester year 2 le..
Must listen to lectures and tutorials!
Must learn my lesson!
Poor me.. ='(

Saturday, February 10, 2007

........... and Hitsugaya Toushirou

Was studying for exams..
But not in the mood to.
And since dEviL don'b blog so i blog.
Wo bu lu di yu shui lu di yu, right?

Downloading Naruto episode 01-69.
I had episodes 70-220 but not 01-69 so decided to download them as well.
Downloading them one by one so its faster(But it still take time to download 69 of them).
Predicted next week thursay then can watch epsiode 221.
But next thursay exam over!!
Then its H-O-L-I-D-A-Y till April!!
Then next sunday Chinese New Year.
I want to find work to do.......................
Then got $$$$$$$.
$_$ Hehe..

<-- Bleach 114 has Hitsugaya Toushirou(the one in the middle, shortest) in it. And he is wearing Ichigo's school uniform. So nice, cool and handsome. But so sad that he is very short. Can't blame him. He is still a kid.

This is the same scene that appears in manga. Well. I think manga was drawn better then it is in anime. =X haha

(Above) Hitsugaya Toushirou is crossed
with Ichigo who call him by his name, Toushirou. Not because he don't like his name but because he wants people to call him 'Captain Hitsugaya'. Some form of respect. He also dont like people to call him shorty or kid. He will get angry if someone did.

Now now..
I have got nothing more to blog.
What should i do?
Go back to study.
Didn't pay attention to tutorials and lectures so don't understand the things..
HaiZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hate exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 9, 2007


Exams coming come week!! I don't want exams!! Haiz. And i still have not touch on anything. Don't feel like studying. Not in the mood leh. But scare will fail!! HOW?! Somebody help me!! :'( AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Naruto episode 221 faster come out. I want to see Naruto come back!! Cause after that Gaara is going to be caught by Akatsuki and the Shukaku is extracted out of him. Due to this, Gaara died. But, an old lady(i forgot her name) revived Gaara in exchanged of her life. Not that i want to see Gaara died, but this episodes are going to be interesting!! Yeah!!
Gaara Gaara Gaara!!
我愛羅 我愛羅 我愛羅!!

Gaara Again Again XP

Took some snapshots of Gaara in the anime epsiode 220. Continuing from the previous post....

Gaara transform into half Shukaku and.....

Gaara thought of the fight in the forest with Naruto. Then he tried to suppress the Shukaku with his own power. He wanted to save his comrade with his own power is what he said.

He successfully suppressed the Shukaku and returned to his normal form.

Seimei attacked Gaara and he was hurt again. However, Gaara look up at Seimei and give a evil smile. This means that he was alright and had no problem in dealing with Seimei. Seimei thought that Gaara had no more chakra to fight. Gaara said that its true that he is ALMOST out of chakra and 'ask' Seimei if he thinks that he was just sitting in the cage twidding his thumbs.

Gaara use his attack: Ryuusa Bakuryu. However nothing happened and Seimei laughed at him and said that he had no more sand to control. Gaara said that he is 'Gaara of the desert'. Breaking stones and turning minerals into sand is something that is easy to him. After that, rocks started to break apart, fall off and turned into sand.

The attack: Ryuusa Bakuryu took place. However, Seimei surface from the sand againa nd took no damage.

Seimei sucked out Gaara's chakra again and Gaara just let him be.

Gaara from a weapon : Saikou Zettai Hougeki, Shukaku no Houkou in his right hand. Gaara throw the Saikou Zettai Hougeki, Shukaku no Houkou at Seimei's Chakra-absorbing armor resulting him to drop onto Gaara's sand and sank into it.

Gaara then use 'Sabaku Taisou' and defeated Seimei.

From the fight, Gaara was hurt and exhausted. Finally, he collapsed. Naruto and the rest including Gaara's siblings ran to him. Sakura then said that he just collapsed due to exhaustion.

Kankurou recalled what Gaara said to him before about how he felt and learnt from Naruto and he was glad that Gaara now has someone(Naruto) who understands him.

Gaara was later sent to Konoha hosiptal for treatment. Later, he overheard the conversation of Naruto with Jiraiya about Akatsuki.

After recovering, Gaara, Kankurou, Temari and Matsuri were sent off by Shikamaru. Gaara asked where Naruro was and was told by Shikamaru that Naruro was leaving the village with Jiraiya that day. They then return to the hidden village of sand.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Gaara Again!! XD

Took some snapshots (Episode 126-129) of Gaara in the anime, Naruto. He is simply so cool!!!

Gaara and his siblings are teaching as instructors in their village's academy.
The students are choosing their own instructors.
Temari asked Gaara to smile as no one will choose him if he has his sour face on.
Gaara closed his eyes as he thought that no one will choose him.
So sad.
But a girl chose him and i think he is quite happy. =)

He asked his student, Matsuri to choose a weapon and he is smiling when he said that!!

His one and only student, Matsuri was kidnapped and the kidnappers' target was Garra.
They wanted to extract the One-Tailed Shukaku's Chakra to revive Seimei, the former leader of their village.
He was starting to fight Suiko in the picture above.

Later, Gaara's sand was infused with water making it heavier and impossible to use.

Rock Lee and Naruto came to aid him.

But in the end, Gaara finished off Suiko after forming a javelin from the sand he normally covers his body with and piercing Suiko's chest with it.

Later, he ran after Jin.

As he could not use his sand, he was in a great disadvantage.
Naruto came to aid him after that.

And he was trapped in a chakra-absorbing dome.
Using the dome, Jin is able to perform an elaborate ritual to resurrect the former leader of his village, Seimei, sacrificing his own life to do so.
The ritual awakens Shukaku's dormant personality, causing Gaara to begin transforming into Shukaku.

During the fight between Naruto and Seimei, Gaara eventually break free from his cage, half-transformed into Shukaku.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Gaara =D

Young Gaara.. So cute!!

Gaara with Naruto..

Gaara as the Kazekage..
So cool!!

The Sand Siblings:
Kankurou, Gaara and Temari.
Kankurou is Garra's elder brother and Temari is Gaara's sister.

In these 2 pictures, Gaara is smiling. It may not seem like it, but he is. =)

Gaara's death... But he still come back to life!! Yeah!!

Gaara Gaara is the best!! Hehe..