Friday, February 9, 2007


Exams coming come week!! I don't want exams!! Haiz. And i still have not touch on anything. Don't feel like studying. Not in the mood leh. But scare will fail!! HOW?! Somebody help me!! :'( AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Naruto episode 221 faster come out. I want to see Naruto come back!! Cause after that Gaara is going to be caught by Akatsuki and the Shukaku is extracted out of him. Due to this, Gaara died. But, an old lady(i forgot her name) revived Gaara in exchanged of her life. Not that i want to see Gaara died, but this episodes are going to be interesting!! Yeah!!
Gaara Gaara Gaara!!
我愛羅 我愛羅 我愛羅!!

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