Monday, February 12, 2007

First Paper

Today had the first paper..
Damn it!
When I looked at the paper, I forget everything that I memorised!!
Its all about calculation.
But not those 1+1 de.
Its finding mean,median, mode, standard deviation, hypothesis testing etc. My maths de-proved!!
Last time can remember all the equations, formulas, steps without really memorising.
But why business statistics cannot?!
Haiz.. Maybe too long never touch on it le.
Tomorrow worse!
I don't understand a single thing!
How am I going to survive the exam?
This is the retribution for not paying attention in the lectures and tutorials.
I am always building castles in the air, drawing or doing some other thing..
Next semester year 2 le..
Must listen to lectures and tutorials!
Must learn my lesson!
Poor me.. ='(

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